
  • US-China clash to promote investment opportunities in EMs, NN IP says

    15 June 2021

    As each country looks to outdo each other, EMs stand to reap the benefits

  • Integrating ESG is best way to manage risks in EMD, NN IP says

    24 February 2021

    NN IP's own emerging market funds are yet to become impact funds

  • Asian emerging markets lead vanguard of EMD, NN IP says

    04 February 2021

    Relative low solvency capital requirements of asset class make it attractive for insurers

  • NN IP receives $4bn EMD assets from Dutch pension administrator

    02 September 2020

    MN's emerging markets team and assets transferred to NN's affiliated manager

  • NN IP appoints head of emerging markets debt

    19 May 2020

    Marcin Adamczyk rejoins Dutch affiliate after three years at Poland's PZU