
  • Aegon's asset manager to remain Dutch-regulated

    03 July 2023

    Group is moving legal seat from Netherlands to Bermuda

  • Third-quarter results all about third-party business at Aegon and Generali

    11 November 2021

    Europe's giants trumpet success growing external investor base

  • Aegon poaches Lard Friese from NN Group as new CEO

    12 August 2019

    Current CEO of NN Netherlands, David Knibbe, to replace him

  • NN to divest tobacco investments

    17 May 2018

    No longer fits with responsible investment approach, says CIO

  • Equity volatility: how safe is your portfolio?

    19 March 2018

    Equity volatility is back. After a muted 2017, things went a little haywire for equities in February. But are these tremors or the start of something bigger? And how should insurers react? By David Walker

  • Dutch insurer NN explains investment strategy in volatile markets

    15 February 2018

    Lard Friese, chief executive of Dutch insurer NN, says the group's balance sheet is "well positioned" and prudently managed to navigate the volatile markets of recent weeks.