
  • Munich Re reports near-€1bn drop in Q2 investment result

    10 August 2022

    But expects increased interest rates to cause higher running yields

  • Munich Re tells governments - give us transition roadmaps to invest by

    03 November 2021

    Almost no country has concrete paths to provide insurers and financiers investment certainty

  • Munich Re introduces new organisational set-up for investments

    28 February 2020

    Looking for asset classes with attractive return profiles to generate higher returns

  • Munich Re creates CIO role

    07 January 2019

    On the back of the retirement of both its CFO and its asset manager’s CEO

  • Rendez-Vous de Septembre: Clouded optimism in uncertain times

    19 September 2018

    The annual reinsurance meeting in Monte Carlo is a good barometer to measure the sector's health. This year, amid successfully managing last year's losses from natural disasters, reinsurers' indicators seem to be flashing 'green'. But uncertainty still looms like black clouds in the distance. Vincent Huck reports

  • Munich Re reports 12% drop in investment result in H1

    08 August 2018

    Reinsurer simultaneously announced new climate and divestment policy

  • Munich Re hoards cash to avoid negative deposit rates

    18 March 2016

    Top global re-insurer doesn't want to lose out on negative deposit rates