
  • Insurers back calls for governments to implement net-zero emission strategies without delay

    02 May 2019

    UK, Dutch and Swedish insurers urge governments to start implementing plans to be carbon neutral by 2050

  • Folksam invests SEK 1bn in Stockholm development bond

    05 October 2018

    Debt financing will help Swedish capital prepare for population growth and decarbonise transportation

  • Folksam invests $400m in EIB green bonds

    20 April 2018

    Swedish insurer Folksam is investing SKr3bn ($400m) in green bonds issued by the European Investment Bank, its biggest acquisition of green bonds to date.

  • Folksam invests $350m in sustainability bond

    12 February 2018

    Swedish insurance group Folksam has invested $350m in a bond issued by the World Bank that will fund projects consistent with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Folksam buys more green bonds and doubles investment target

    13 September 2017

    Swedish insurer and pension provider is now one of the largest green bond investors