
  • 2024: ESG Indicators (PAIs) Reach New Data Quality Heights for Alternative Investments"

    16 September 2024

    While discussions around "whether and how well alternative investments funds deliver Principal Adverse Impact KPIs (PAIs) via the European ESG Template (EET)" feel as if they happened just yesterday, EU Article 4 SFDR investors such as life insurers and pension funds already published their second PAI statement for 2023.

  • Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) KPIs for Alternative Investments under SFDR

    21 September 2023

    2023 has been an extremely important year for Article 4 SFDR investors in the EU such as life insurers, pension funds or alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs). They were required to publish the first Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) statement for the reference year in 2022 no later than 30 June 2023 so that now you have a lot to read on their websites.

  • Comment: Timberland as a potential investment class in light of Solvency II

    10 April 2023

    By Stephen Addicott, manging partner, Timberland investments, Stafford Capital Partners Limited and Jegor Tokarevich, CEO, Substance Over Form Ltd.

  • Q&A: EC's proposals on reduced capital charge for qualifying unrated debt

    12 November 2018

    The European Commission has published for consultation a draft delegated act on amendments to the implementing rules on solvency applicable to insurers. The proposals aim to facilitate investments in private debt amongst others. Jegor Tokarevich from Substance Over Form and Frank Dornseifer from Bundesverband Alternative Investments summarise the key points for Solvency II investors.

  • FAQ: investing in infrastructure under Solvency II

    18 January 2018

    Infrastructure investments are a complex topic, including the various internal and external requirements for insurance investors. Jegor Tokarevich and prof. Dr. Jens-Eric von Duesterlho from SOF Infrastructure respond to some of the common queries from insurers on infrastructure investing.