
  • $290trn investments needed to reach net-zero by 2050

    07 October 2022

    Or goal missed by 20 years, according to research by Swiss Re

  • "What if Putin blocks gas supply?" ask chief economists of Swiss Re, Munich Re and Allianz

    11 May 2022

    Every parameter of Germany's business model stands under "immense pressure" as gas threat raised

  • 'R': the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything (insurance)?

    20 April 2022

    Two economists disagree on current levels of recessionary risk during the Insurance Asset Risk 2022 Real Assets conference. Vincent Huck reports

  • IAR Real Assets conference: Central bankers will define the year ahead, economists predict

    05 April 2022

    While uncertainty and volatility linked to political risk runs high

  • A new letter in the shape of the recovery-alphabet

    17 November 2021

    Swiss Re chief economist points at a D-shaped recovery, (sort of)

  • Swiss Re warns coal-laggard nations blowing carbon budgets will have "ratings implications"

    17 November 2021

    Jerome Haegeli names inflation top macro risk

  • Swiss Re won't wait for economy to transition in its pledge to reach net-zero

    06 September 2021

    Chief economist calls for governments to match private sector's transparency

  • Inflation - the rising concern among CIOs

    13 July 2021

    Once the elephant in the room for most insurance investors, inflation or the threat of it, is creeping up the ladder of chief investment officers' risks. Stephanie Harris reports

  • Swiss Re wants insurers behind carbon-removal industry to rival oil and gas sector

    08 July 2021

    Reinsurer calls on peers to finance providers, for industrial-scale sequestration

  • AOA argues for carbon-pricing measures from governments

    07 July 2021

    Nearly all of global carbon emissions are not subject to pricing measures