
  • Former UNA Seguros CIO joins Aviva Investors

    09 December 2021

    Huayin Liu appointed senior portfolio manager in buy-and-maintain credit team

  • Aviva makes senior leadership appointments

    11 February 2020

    Iain Forrester and Cyril Martin move into newly-created roles

  • Will BBB come back to bite?

    17 September 2019

    Is the end of the credit cycle really in sight and, if so, are European insurers at risk of seeing their high yield assets coming back to bite them? A wave of credit downgrades could significantly impact solvency ratios and put insurers in the position of forced sellers. But how worried should they be? Vincent Huck reports

  • Insurers’ focus shifts from compliance to optimising portfolios

    12 August 2019

    Aviva Investors’ Iain Forrester and Alex Wharton share their thoughts on current items on insures’ agendas

  • Investment challenges arising from shifting insurance business models

    26 June 2019

    At Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019 conference European insurers discuss as part of a panel the shifts in insurance business models and the ramification for investments strategies. In this first part of a two-part series, they discuss the ongoing consolidation in the market. Compiled by David Walker

  • Aviva gets real on illiquid assets

    16 October 2018

    Five months into Aviva Investors’ strategy to merge its real assets teams under one leadership, Mark Versey and Iain Forrester discuss the new strategy and how it fits with the firm’s approach to servicing third-party insurers. By Vincent Huck

  • Private markets: end of the credit cycle, start of a new era?

    04 June 2018

    Insurers have increasingly invested in private assets in recent years to counter the low yield environment. But as we enter the later stages of the credit cycle, questions are being raised on whether private assets were tactical short-term choices, or if insurers have fully embraced these asset classes. Vincent Huck reports

  • Insurers' shift into private credit sparks evolution in internal rating capabilities

    04 June 2018

    With insurers showing greater appetite for private credit, authorities are keen to ensure firms are applying robust credit risk assessments – but the lack of rating agencies in the space is giving regulators and insurers a headache. Asa Gibson reports.

  • A look back and forward

    27 December 2017

    The current year was relatively benign for the insurance investment industry. But 2018 holds new challenges. What risks and what opportunities should investors be looking at in the coming year? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Commercial real estate finance: opportunities for insurers

    30 October 2017

    Insurers seeking capital efficient returns are looking closely at private real assets, lured by attractive yields with underlying security and strong borrower protections. Real estate finance may fit the bill with advantageous capital treatment under Solvency II, as Aviva Investors' Iain Forrester explains.