
  • Comment - Does a CIO need to be 'truly' brave?

    16 January 2023

    Investing can take a steely nerve, but David Walker explores why it sometimes also requires true bravery

  • Australian regulator tells insurers to invest in climate mitigation to protect their premiums

    16 October 2020

    Summerhayes says asset side of the balance sheet should be used in defence of the insurance business

  • Three insurers part of new Australian sustainable finance initiative

    28 March 2019

    IAG, QBE and Swiss Re join banks, superannuation funds and academia in HLEG-style initiative

  • Mandatory climate change disclosures - only a question of time

    26 February 2019

    Geoff Summerhayes, board member of the Australian regulator and chair of the UNEP SIF, warns insurers of increased scrutiny from regulators

  • Australian supervisor warns of climate-change investment risks

    20 February 2017

    Directors of general insurers warned they ignore such risks at their peril