
  • Amendments to Solvency II to move the dial on insurers’ equity holdings?

    22 October 2019

    European insurers’ equity holdings remained stable between 2017 and 2018 according to research by Insurance Risk Data, but could the recent amendments to Solvency II rules increase their appetite for the asset class? Vincent Huck reports

  • Will BBB come back to bite?

    17 September 2019

    Is the end of the credit cycle really in sight and, if so, are European insurers at risk of seeing their high yield assets coming back to bite them? A wave of credit downgrades could significantly impact solvency ratios and put insurers in the position of forced sellers. But how worried should they be? Vincent Huck reports

  • Lower Solvency II charge for equities holds little appeal – JPMAM’s Haslip

    20 March 2019

    Idea of long-term equity interesting but unlikely to change insurers approach, says JP Morgan head of insurance

  • As the credit cycle enters its later stages, insurers prepare for its end

    19 March 2019

    With global growth expected to slow down this year and some predicting a US recession in 2020, the health of the credit market, its ability to cope with rate rises and a loss of liquidity, holds huge significance to insurers investments. Adam Leach reports

  • Clock is ticking for Solvency II reform

    01 February 2019

    With a 15 March deadline looming how much is the EU Commission ready to compromise?

  • IFRS 17 & 9 series: Asset allocation considerations

    22 November 2018

    In the second of a three parts series on the impact of the international financial reporting standards (Ifrs) on insurers' financial reporting, Vincent Huck looks at the potential impact of the new accounting standards, Ifrs 17 and 9, on asset allocation.

  • Private markets: end of the credit cycle, start of a new era?

    04 June 2018

    Insurers have increasingly invested in private assets in recent years to counter the low yield environment. But as we enter the later stages of the credit cycle, questions are being raised on whether private assets were tactical short-term choices, or if insurers have fully embraced these asset classes. Vincent Huck reports

  • EU to cut Solvency II securitisation charges "before summer"

    06 April 2018

    Draft rules suggest the capital charges of securitisations could be significantly cut this year as the European Commission takes steps to bring Solvency II in line with the STS framework. So will this spur future securitisation investment? Aggelos Andreou reports.

  • JPMAM bolsters insurance team with three appointments

    02 October 2017
  • The continued lure of equity

    26 May 2017

    Solvency II has punished equity investment with its 39% capital charge. But the SCR restrictions are bringing out a plethora of equity structures designed to appeal to insurers with lower volatility and capital charges. Is this enough to attract new investors? Sarfraz Thind reports