
  • Europe's life giants trip the lite switch firmly 'on'

    08 March 2023

    Thomas Buberl, and Oliver Bäte are men with a mission, to preach the gospel of low-capital product. But will their customers buy it? David Walker asks

  • Comment: CIOs enjoy strong tailwinds of goodwill in 'transition GAs', in a ride that CUOs might only dream of

    08 March 2023

    Why a CIO's life with the media can be so much touchy-feelier than a CUO's, in our era of climate change

  • Comment - Inflation-linked bonds won't be enough for much 'insurance inflation'

    08 August 2022

    Hiking returns in line with CPI rises may fall short, in the short term, for many non-life insurers

  • Axa keeps distancing from market risks in 1H

    03 August 2022

    Alternatives reinvestment yields still outpacing 'core' fixed income

  • Axa IM wins outsourcing mandate from parent's €610m German life book deal

    15 July 2022

    Deferred annuities and endowments had average guarantee of 3.2%

  • AXA's managers generate 20% better revenues in 2021, as 'alts' star again.

    24 February 2022

    Russia exposure under €400m, partially thanks to ESG assessment

  • Frédéric de Courtois returns to Axa to oversee investments and finance

    25 March 2021

    Chief investment officer Alban de Mailly Nesle to become chief financial officer

  • Generali reveals impact on solvency if Italian debt gets downgraded

    22 May 2020

    Analysts question Generali on validity of sensitivities to market shocks

  • Generali's M&A path pays off in investment profits

    14 March 2019

    Italian now earns 174bps more on investments than average policy guarantee