Comment: the 'Brexit elephant' in the room for the Solvency II review
23 June 2021The EU and the UK are busily looking closely at their insurance regulations, but will they see eye to eye on competitiveness?
French life firms could lose 41 points under EIOPA's SII proposals, FFA president says
11 June 2021Lustman tells French MPs an amended interest risk module alone could slash 37 points
French economist calls current system for financing the economy "absurd"
25 May 2021French insurer association president highlights the political nature of Solvency II
French insurers invest €2bn in recovery programme
23 October 2020Industry body list the funds and their asset managers
French government pressures insurers to finance recovery
22 April 2020In response, industry to step up commitments
French insurers commit up to €200m to COVID-19 solidarity fund
30 March 2020French Federation of Insurers said its 260 members would contribute to the government fund