
  • PartnerRe hit by $503m Q1 investment loss

    11 May 2020

    Unrealised investment losses from credit, equity and bank loan portfolios

  • Rendez-Vous de Septembre: Clouded optimism in uncertain times

    19 September 2018

    The annual reinsurance meeting in Monte Carlo is a good barometer to measure the sector's health. This year, amid successfully managing last year's losses from natural disasters, reinsurers' indicators seem to be flashing 'green'. But uncertainty still looms like black clouds in the distance. Vincent Huck reports

  • Reinsurers welcome shift to 'efficient regulation'

    13 September 2018

    Concept of 'optimal regulation' takes over maximum regulation

  • PartnerRe appoints new CIO

    31 August 2018

    Former Generali CIO Nikhil Srinivasan takes over from Andrea Casarotti