
  • Allianz's third-party net inflows surpass €100bn in first three quarters

    10 November 2017

    'Outstanding' investment performance from Pimco, says firm

  • Pimco seals turnaround with record inflows

    07 August 2017

    Single €19bn mandate for world's biggest fixed income manager helps Allianz post record third-party inflows

  • Lower third-party assets impact Allianz revenues

    12 May 2016

    Outflows from Pimco and currency shifts depress Q1 result

  • Volatile markets hit Allianz's Solvency II capitalisation

    03 May 2016

    Also reports slightly lower revenues and assets under management

  • Allianz asset managers increase performance but not profits

    22 February 2016

    Asset base shrinks as third-party outflows continue

  • IFRS accounting rules to shape asset allocation

    03 February 2016

    When it finally goes live, the IFRS 9 accounting rule is likely to have a notable impact on asset allocation. So what should participants be aware of? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Net outflows at Pimco nearly halve in Q3

    06 November 2015

    At lowest level since Gross's departure

  • Allianz's asset management performance "within expectations"

    07 August 2015

    But operating profit drops by 25% in Q2; third party net outflows rise

  • German insurers face crunch on guaranteed products

    20 May 2015

    German insurers are struggling to meet guaranteed rates on life insurance products when returns on traditional investment assets are so paltry. How big a drain on capital is the mismatch producing and what's being done to ease this? Sarfraz Thind explains

  • Outflows at Pimco continue to recede, says Allianz

    26 February 2015

    Allianz Global Investors enjoys record operating profit in 2014