
  • a.s.r. CFO moves to NN Group

    13 October 2021

    Annemiek van Melick to take over Delfin Rueda

  • NN Group betting even more on mortgages with additional €3bn invested

    18 February 2021

    Annual results showed increase in illiquids allocation

  • NN Group CFO appointed chair of European industry group

    06 January 2021

    Delfin Rueda takes over from Matt Rider of Aegon

  • Equity volatility: how safe is your portfolio?

    19 March 2018

    Equity volatility is back. After a muted 2017, things went a little haywire for equities in February. But are these tremors or the start of something bigger? And how should insurers react? By David Walker

  • Dutch insurer NN explains investment strategy in volatile markets

    15 February 2018

    Lard Friese, chief executive of Dutch insurer NN, says the group's balance sheet is "well positioned" and prudently managed to navigate the volatile markets of recent weeks.

  • Higher interest rates hit NN's asset book

    16 February 2017

    Some €4bn wiped from the insurer's portfolio