
  • Liquidity in the age of COVID

    06 May 2021

    'What's our liquidity' was one of the biggest questions for insurers in Q1 2020. One year on, two insurers reflect on the steps their firms took to answer it, ensure liquidity was available, and how they approach it today as a result. Vincent Huck reports

  • New investment risks or new assessment of risk?

    10 December 2019

    Panellists at Insurance Asset Risk's sister publication InsuranceERM's conference discuss the new types of risks they are exposed to and whether they understand those risks well. Highlights compiled by Stephanie Harris

  • EM debt - worth a look in the latter stages of the credit cycle?

    22 August 2019

    A market downturn is deemed to have more impact on emerging markets (EM) than on developed economies. It poses the question whether EM debt is a smart investment at this stage of the credit cycle. Ian Coulman, chief investment officer at Pool Re, speaks with Vincent Huck on the topic.