
  • Comment: CIOs enjoy strong tailwinds of goodwill in 'transition GAs', in a ride that CUOs might only dream of

    08 March 2023

    Why a CIO's life with the media can be so much touchy-feelier than a CUO's, in our era of climate change

  • Sun Life invests CAD 32.7m in virtual healthcare provider

    31 July 2020

    More and more people turning to digital health apps during global pandemic

  • Californian insurers staking outsized bets on global warmers

    07 January 2019

    Research identifies concentrations in portfolios of state’s underwriters

  • California COIN investments near $30bn, insurance commissioner calculates

    04 January 2019

    Dave Jones calls for tax credit, and data gathering, to be reinstated

  • California survey reveals rise in insurers divesting from thermal coal

    30 November 2018

    Californian insurers’ coal policies aligned with counterparts in Europe

  • UN-supported PRI launches free online climate tool

    03 September 2018

    Analysing exposure to transition risk in equity and fixed income portfolios over multiple scenarios

  • California launches impact investment portal

    22 May 2018

    Brings processes online to foster more public-private partnerships between communities and insurers

  • California conducts US insurance investment climate risk study

    09 May 2018

    Stress test conducted to determine climate-related risk to insurance industry investments

  • Insurance supervisors support climate risk disclosure guidance

    26 July 2017

    Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures proposes voluntary disclosure of climate risks for insurers

  • Lawsuit threats will not deter Californian commissioner on coal divestment

    22 June 2017

    Commissioner Dave Jones reveals the number of legal-action threats received since he launched a Climate Risk Carbon Initiative