
  • Insurance and asset management - a marriage of convenience?

    19 August 2024

    Insurance Asset Risk analyses recent consolidations and sell-offs of AM units at European insurers

  • Chart of the Week - As a €21bn deal is scuppered by BaFin, have PE owners run out of road for life book sales?

    02 February 2024

    German regulator's refusal to Zurich and Viridium seems bad news for insurers owned by PE

  • German backbook deals and run-offs - a €150bn asset industry since 2014

    01 February 2024

    Moody's examined 14 deals, completed, pending and scuttled

  • Comment - BaFin holds cards (close to its chest) in future of German life-book consolidation

    01 February 2024

    PE part-ownership of Viridium seems to have informed regulator's rejection of Zurich deal

  • Chart of the Week - Eurovita's general account over time, % (2017-2021)

    07 July 2023

    SFCRs show the Italian lifer being rescued by five peers, and banks, shunned risk - including heavy BTP weightings - in its GA

  • Moody's explains, and welcomes, Eurovita rescue plan

    06 July 2023

    The 'rescuing' insurers will share assets and liabilities, while banks cover liquidity from November

  • The death of life insurance

    13 July 2022

    They were the bane of life for many CIOs, but a rich source of outsourcing for asset managers. Are traditional life policies - and their challenges for investing - now dead? David Walker investigates

  • Europe's life CIOs to trim risk-taking, predicts S&P Global Ratings

    04 July 2022

    Yields on mainstream classes now enough to satisfy some guarantees

  • Asset risk still "high pressure point" for Italian insurers, Moody's warns

    18 March 2021

    Due to their concentration to domestic govvies

  • Munich Re emerges scarred but victorious in 2020

    25 February 2021

    Financial results show drops in regular investment income but gains in portfolio value