
  • Comment: why is the rooster the symbol of France?

    19 June 2024

    PIMCO says markets will readily punish any economic policy cock-up from France's upcoming elections

  • CNP Assurances joins call for better regulation on shareholder dialogue

    12 May 2023

    As part of French proposed 'Green Industry Bill'

  • French regulator appoints new secretary general

    20 December 2022

    Nathalie Aufauvre takes the position after nearly four decades at the Banque de France

  • French insurers launch €1.7bn debt recovery fund

    23 November 2021

    20 insurers and eight asset managers involved

  • French insurers commit €3.2bn to French tech companies

    08 June 2021

    Accounting for half of the capital invested in the state sponsored Tibi program

  • Axa commits €2bn to COVID loan fund for SMEs

    26 April 2021

    French insurer reveal their support in 2020 solvency and financial condition reports

  • French insurers invest €2bn in recovery programme

    23 October 2020

    Industry body list the funds and their asset managers

  • EU's CMU consultation puts equity capital charge under the spotlight again

    06 July 2020

    Insurance Europe again calls for review of equity charge reviving the debate over the Solvency II equity treatment and potentially setting a collision course with the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority. Vincent Huck reports

  • French government pressures insurers to finance recovery

    22 April 2020

    In response, industry to step up commitments

  • Insurance Europe maintains insurers are long term equity investors

    16 January 2020

    Responding to consultation on Eiopa's opinion on the 2020 Solvency II review