
  • Trends in insurance are feeding into consolidation moves in asset management

    26 August 2024

    Moody's senior vice president Benjamin Serra discusses the latest trends in insurance and asset management and how they feed into each other

  • Insurance and asset management - a marriage of convenience?

    19 August 2024

    Insurance Asset Risk analyses recent consolidations and sell-offs of AM units at European insurers

  • Bolting for the door - could 'mass lapse' risk trigger 'mass bond sales' at French lifers?

    04 May 2023

    Better interest rates mean better investment options than life policies. As France's exposed lifers watch on, some count up their liquid assets, some count on customer loyalty - but will all ultimately count on CIOs, to sell off GAs? David Walker reports

  • The death of life insurance

    13 July 2022

    They were the bane of life for many CIOs, but a rich source of outsourcing for asset managers. Are traditional life policies - and their challenges for investing - now dead? David Walker investigates

  • Moody's reveals potential impact of downgrades on Solvency ratios

    14 May 2020

    The rating agency has run stress tests on European insurers' corporate bond portfolios and reveals that, in the most extreme scenario, solvency ratios could decrease by up to 50 percentage points. Vincent Huck reports

  • Falling interest rates threaten French life insurers' solvency

    10 October 2019

    Moody's warns of pressure on profits and regulator's scrutiny if the trend continues

  • Navigating the seas of illiquidity

    29 May 2019

    Benjama Serra, senior vice president at Moody’s Investors Services, explains why illiquid investments in insurers’ portfolios are like brackish seawater, and why allocation to them is bound to increase. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Low rates to slice $55bn off insurers' investment income this year, predicts Moody's

    27 April 2017

    Insurers in Germany, Norway and Taiwan most likely to take hit on profits

  • European insurers to lose €10bn-25bn of investment income each year

    15 November 2016

    Low yields will hit P&C insurers worse than life firms, according to Moody's

  • German insurers face crunch on guaranteed products

    20 May 2015

    German insurers are struggling to meet guaranteed rates on life insurance products when returns on traditional investment assets are so paltry. How big a drain on capital is the mismatch producing and what's being done to ease this? Sarfraz Thind explains