
  • COVID has moved property investments outside of the city centres

    03 June 2021

    More fluidity between real estate sectors, LGC says

  • Finding the holy grail

    21 November 2019

    With low interest rates impacting solvency ratios, insurers are looking for the holy grail of high yielding assets which do not require higher capital charges. Vincent Huck reports

  • Will BBB come back to bite?

    17 September 2019

    Is the end of the credit cycle really in sight and, if so, are European insurers at risk of seeing their high yield assets coming back to bite them? A wave of credit downgrades could significantly impact solvency ratios and put insurers in the position of forced sellers. But how worried should they be? Vincent Huck reports

  • Reinsurers increasingly exposed to asset risk, but liability risk still the main focus

    03 September 2019

    Rating agencies Moody’s and S&P Global have published their 2020 reinsurance outlook noting slight changes in investment risk appetite. Though marginal at this stage, the change could become significant in five to 10 years’ time. David Walker and Vincent Huck report

  • Moody’s publishes EMEA credit risk heatmap

    17 July 2019

    Low interest rates remain key credit risk for European insurers, and Italian and Nordic insurers most exposed to investment risk

  • How investment regulations affect insurers’ ratings – the agency’s perspective

    04 April 2019

    Antonello Aquino, associate managing director for EMEA at Moody’s, speaks about the evolution of the regulatory framework for insurers in Europe, and considerations for their investments. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Insurers and investment risk - the rating agency’s perspective

    28 March 2019

    Antonello Aquino, associate managing director for EMEA at Moody’s, discusses why insurers are becoming more and more like asset managers, and the current trend towards riskier assets. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • European insurers to lose €10bn-25bn of investment income each year

    15 November 2016

    Low yields will hit P&C insurers worse than life firms, according to Moody's

  • Insurers safe from direct impact of Greek default

    01 July 2015

    Holdings of Greek sovereign bonds at minimal levels