
  • S&P welcomes increased scrutiny of funded reinsurance from PRA and BMA

    06 June 2024

    Warning recapture of ceded exposures could push some BPA writers into negative solvency ratios

  • Insurers advised to stay put with EM holdings amid COVID-19 chaos

    25 March 2020

    With lower ratings than their developed market counterparts and potential economic dependencies to oil, emerging markets are on the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis. It is raising questions for insurers' allocation to the asset class. Vincent Huck reports

  • Will BBB come back to bite?

    17 September 2019

    Is the end of the credit cycle really in sight and, if so, are European insurers at risk of seeing their high yield assets coming back to bite them? A wave of credit downgrades could significantly impact solvency ratios and put insurers in the position of forced sellers. But how worried should they be? Vincent Huck reports