
  • Axa to move out of coal-related investments

    26 May 2015

    CEO also criticises regulation for deterring long-term investment

  • Yie-Hsin Hung becomes CEO of NYLIM

    22 May 2015

    Reports to new head of investments group

  • Amlin investment return more than halves

    22 May 2015

    But "highly creditable against a challenging economic background"

  • New York Life CIO becomes president

    21 May 2015

    Will continue to head investments

  • German insurers face crunch on guaranteed products

    20 May 2015

    German insurers are struggling to meet guaranteed rates on life insurance products when returns on traditional investment assets are so paltry. How big a drain on capital is the mismatch producing and what's being done to ease this? Sarfraz Thind explains

  • Rob Groves becomes CIO of PIC

    20 May 2015

    Leaves Friends Life after its sale to Aviva

  • Ed Casal to head Aviva Investors real estate

    19 May 2015

    Replaces Ian Womack

  • CNP Assurances chooses tool to aid ALM

    19 May 2015

    French insurer to use Numerix ESG

  • Swedish insurer invests in Helsinki offices

    18 May 2015

    AMF takes 50% stake in property portfolio

  • EC should reduce obstacles to long-term investment

    15 May 2015

    Insurance Europe urges EC action on infrastructure, securitisations, derivatives and accounting