
  • Scor doubles liquidity in response to market distress

    24 February 2016

    Ready to deploy €2bn+ when markets settle down

  • Japan Post increases allocation to risk assets

    23 February 2016

    Another Japanese insurer confirms it wants to move more assets abroad

  • Notional hedging of unit-linked liabilities: tread lightly

    23 February 2016

    Notional hedging can help achieve a lower capital requirement and more investment freedom. But there are a number of isues that need to be considered before moving with this ALM tool, warns advisory firm Willis Towers Watson in a report.

  • Taiwan eases derivatives rules for life insurers

    23 February 2016

    As Taiwan's life insurance market is growing, the supervisor is easing hedging rules

  • Aegon expects impairments to increase in 2016

    22 February 2016

    Commodity and energy portfolio most at risk

  • Allianz asset managers increase performance but not profits

    22 February 2016

    Asset base shrinks as third-party outflows continue

  • Allianz's alternative investments grow 24%

    22 February 2016

    Alternatives now represent 14% of portfolio

  • 'Brexit' would hit gilts and sterling

    19 February 2016

    Pimco sees 40% chance of Brexit

  • Life insurers are paying dearly for central bank policies - Geneva Association

    19 February 2016

    The insurance industry think tank says low rates may have staved off a great recession, but the policy is eroding the value of life insurers to society

  • Korea, Taiwan insurers invest in Western bricks and mortar

    18 February 2016

    Korean firms focus on US offices, Taiwanese head to Europe