
  • The Doctors Company buys 25% stake in alternative asset manager

    22 March 2016

    Pier 88 will run $150m in convertible bond fund for the insurer

  • Marriott outbids Anbang in Starwood bidding war

    21 March 2016

    Starwood accepts counterbid, abandon Anbang's offer

  • Starwood accepts Anbang's $13.2bn bid

    21 March 2016

    Chinese insurer gets financing from China Construction Bank

  • L&G invests £750m in infrastructure and direct lending in Q1

    18 March 2016

    Investments provide cash flows to back annuity payments

  • Munich Re hoards cash to avoid negative deposit rates

    18 March 2016

    Top global re-insurer doesn't want to lose out on negative deposit rates

  • Majority of Generali's SCR comes from investment risks

    18 March 2016

    Insurer risk-weights sovereign bonds in internal model

  • PIC hires hedge fund expert to manage alternatives investments

    18 March 2016

    Paul McCauley to focus on surplus assets that do not back pension liabilities.

  • M&G Real Estate to fund Birmingham office development

    17 March 2016

    Construction will cost around £200m

  • Swiss Life's real estate manager does €3.3bn of deals

    17 March 2016

    €1.8bn in purchases and €1.5bn in sales

  • Parliament clears the way for Solvency II infrastructure charge cuts

    17 March 2016

    Agenda turns to capital treatment of securitisations and government bonds