
  • Getting the measure of credit downgrade risk

    21 September 2016

    Investors are questioning the impact of credit downgrades on insurers' Solvency II balance sheets. Hugo Coelho investigates how firms are gauging this risk and why they resist putting a figure on it.

  • Allianz closes first debt investment in Sweden

    20 September 2016

    Real Estate business lends $80m to shopping centre, provides geographic diversification

  • Mexican bonds shine bright among emerging market debt

    20 September 2016

    Strong likelihood of currency appreciation offers insurers attractive returns

  • Axa IM poaches Goldman Sachs chiefs for absolute return team

    19 September 2016

    Expects to launch Hong-Kong-based business in early 2017

  • UK firms expanding MA portfolios

    19 September 2016

    More firms holding covered bonds, infrastructure, mortgages and ABS in MA

  • Willis Towers Watson expands investment team with two hires

    19 September 2016

    Appointments follow previous hires to meet increasing demand for investment services

  • Barings acquires Berlin office

    19 September 2016

    Off-market transaction and undisclosed fee for Berliner Volksbank HQ

  • MassMutual on the hunt for asset managers

    16 September 2016

    Chief executive says earnings from subsidiaries has enabled higher dividends

  • Talanx commits to screening investments for ESG issues

    15 September 2016

    Targets €2bn allocation to infrastructure assets by 2017

  • The opportunities and obstacles of multi-asset portfolios

    14 September 2016

    Irrational pessimism and excessive caution is inhibiting insurance investors, while regulatory ignorance is blocking an escape from low yields through multi-asset portfolios, says Hani Redha.