
  • Legal & General agrees £100m development deal for London housing project

    21 May 2018

    Deal will see L&G take ownership of a 35-storey south London building.

  • Using Solvency II metrics in asset liability management

    21 May 2018

    As Solvency II is embedded in all aspects of insurance management, Ed Morgan explains how data produced for the regulation can be valuable in asset liability management

  • QBE commits A$100m to impact investing

    21 May 2018

    Wishes of millennials help guide decision

  • Policy changes needed to stimulate infrastructure investments by US life insurers

    21 May 2018

    TIAA white paper suggests four policy solutions to make public-private partnerships more attractive to investors

  • Eiopa highlights risks from Brexit on insurers solvency position

    18 May 2018

    Opinion sets out 14 areas where the determination of the solvency position of insurers will change

  • EU’s proposed revision of securitisation risk charges 'not bold enough'

    18 May 2018

    Industry stakeholders have called for a more radical reduction

  • Prudential reveals jump in investment risks in 2017

    17 May 2018

    Investment management fees rose, too, SFCR says

  • M&G Investments to move £34bn of assets to Luxembourg

    17 May 2018

    Non-sterling assets would be transferred to Luxembourg funds to offset Brexit uncertainties

  • EU Commission dismisses Eiopa’s 5% investment ceiling on unrated debt

    17 May 2018

    Unlisted equity also debated in discussion over Solvency II review

  • NN to divest tobacco investments

    17 May 2018

    No longer fits with responsible investment approach, says CIO