
  • Nippon Life invests in sustainable equity fund

    05 June 2018

    The insurer’s wholly-owned asset management unit will oversee the fund

  • Aon commits to the UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance

    05 June 2018

    It is the first insurance broker to sign up to the principles

  • UK insurers could be forced to disclose climate risk by 2022

    04 June 2018

    A UK parliamentary committee has called on government to act if regulators fail on implementing climate risk disclosures. While some witnesses highlighted to the committee the insurers' exposure to climate-related risk, some pointed out that thanks to Solvency II rules they might be ahead of the game. Michael Hurley and Vincent Huck report

  • CFDs and binary options have no place in unit-linked contracts

    04 June 2018

    Eiopa’s statement follows action by Esma to restrict such products

  • Provinzial NordWest picks Moody’s Analytics modelling technology

    04 June 2018

    The three selected tools will be used for actuarial valuations and investment analysis

  • Private markets: end of the credit cycle, start of a new era?

    04 June 2018

    Insurers have increasingly invested in private assets in recent years to counter the low yield environment. But as we enter the later stages of the credit cycle, questions are being raised on whether private assets were tactical short-term choices, or if insurers have fully embraced these asset classes. Vincent Huck reports

  • A slow growth for US infrastructure

    04 June 2018

    A US infrastructure overhaul is due—that much is common knowledge. However, so far, institutional investors and especially insurers have been coy to invest due to policy hurdles at the federal level. As each state administration starts to address these issues, insurers are seeing opportunities building up. David Turner reports

  • Insurers' shift into private credit sparks evolution in internal rating capabilities

    04 June 2018

    With insurers showing greater appetite for private credit, authorities are keen to ensure firms are applying robust credit risk assessments – but the lack of rating agencies in the space is giving regulators and insurers a headache. Asa Gibson reports.

  • Korea Post seeking to invest $200m in private equity

    01 June 2018

    Insurer targets investment in US and European buyout investors

  • New sustainability index puts food sector on insurance industry's plate

    01 June 2018

    A new index to capture the investment risks and opportunities in the food sector through the ESG lens has been launched. Abigail Herron discusses the findings on 60 of the largest listed livestock and fisheries companies, many of which will feature heavily in insurers' investment portfolios