
  • World Bank’s launch C$1bn bond to invest in women and young people

    30 July 2018

    Insurance companies, asset managers and pension funds make up 39% of the 40 investors committed to the bond

  • Hiscox allocates a quarter of assets to cash

    30 July 2018

    London-listed insurer plans for rising interest rates and market volatility

  • Australian and New Zealand financial sectors commit to sustainable finance roadmap

    27 July 2018

    Impact investing has grown from $1.2bn in 2015 to $5.8bn in 2017 according to local impact investing association

  • Insurers call for taxonomy of 'greenness' in investments

    27 July 2018

    Underwriters also say they want more sustainable investments

  • Change in US accounting rule increase ETFs attractiveness for insurers

    27 July 2018

    Report by Cerulli Associates advices ETF issuers to target insurance general accounts

  • M&G Investments’ CEO to depart as part of leadership shakeup

    27 July 2018

    Anne Richards will leave her role in August

  • Scor boosts credit exposure and investment yield

    26 July 2018

    French insurer harvested most gains from equities this year

  • How to connect new technologies with strategy

    26 July 2018

    MetLife's chief digital officer Greg Baxter talks to Paul Walsh about which technologies are his top priorities, how such technologies can be applied to asset liability management in a Solvency II environment and what investments the firm is making in the digital economy.

  • Prudential acquires Thai asset manager

    26 July 2018

    Deal includes distribution agreement with Thai TMB Bank

  • PIC invests £150m in Heathrow airport

    26 July 2018

    Private bond matches PIC's liabilities years where public bond markets is down