
  • German lifers at the mercy of interest rates falling lower, Fitch Ratings warns

    02 February 2021

    Little room for restructuring the portfolios left if rates were to fall further

  • CNP Assurances publishes 2025 climate targets

    02 February 2021

    In line with Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance's 2025 target setting protocol

  • AIA considers founding an independent asset manager for China

    02 February 2021

    AIA Life general manager urges Beijing for more long-dated investments

  • EIOPA's proposed changes would align SII with economic risk, Moody's says

    01 February 2021

    Impact on ratios would be moderate and limited on sector's credit strength, rating agency adds

  • Aviva Investors threatens 30 big emitters with divestment

    01 February 2021

    Affiliated manager said largest listed oil and gas and mining majors globally targeted

  • MIDIS invests €117m in refinancing of Spanish solar farms

    01 February 2021

    Largest single investor, done on behalf of European and Japanese insurance clients

  • Dai-ichi Life invests AUD 125m into health bond for COVID-19 vaccines

    01 February 2021

    Asian Development Bank bond focused on support and supply of vaccines

  • Yield at Die Bayerische tops 5% again with help from alternatives

    01 February 2021

    While sales at WWK rise thanks to dynamic protection on fund-linked range

  • Hong Kong insurance association backs impact investing

    01 February 2021

    But CEO Selina Lau says "still a work in progress" for some underwriters

  • IAR's global outlook survey 2021: a foggy crystal ball

    01 February 2021

    Respondents to Insurance Asset Risk's outlook survey seem more at the mercy of the financial gods than ever before. Most agree that while the pandemic rages, 2021 will be a damn hard year to predict. Sarfraz Thind reports