
  • Natixis provides $51.5m to refinance FedEx headquarters

    23 August 2021
  • FAANG, tech and old school

    23 August 2021

    Who cashed in on FAANG stocks?

  • NNIP's acquisition by Goldman 'a defeat for sustainable investing in Netherlands'

    23 August 2021

    Could Dutch insurer's sustainable finance work be diluted by being owned by the Wall Street titan

  • VIG C-Quadrat launches asset management service

    23 August 2021

    As well as its first fund, following approval from Polish Financial Supervisory Authority

  • News round-up - 23 August 2021

    23 August 2021

    Eastspring; Principal Financial; Axa IM; Robeco; Hiscox; M&G

  • With-profits investment industry ripe for consolidation

    23 August 2021

    Turbulent H1 2020 led to reappraisal of products, Hymans Robertson predicts

  • Prudential makes $200m commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion

    20 August 2021

    Through private equity investments it will invest in early-stage private equity firms

  • Comment - The value of buying NNIP rests on three letters - E, S and G

    20 August 2021

    GSAM pays €1.7bn for the hot ticket in insurers' outsourcing plans

  • Garance Mutuelle plans PE investing within €1.2bn GA 'risk' pocket

    20 August 2021

    French underwriter already has infrastructure allocation

  • Chart of the week: How German insurers are moving in on alternatives

    20 August 2021

    Reallocations go far beyond infrastructure, Insurance Risk Data's outsourcing analysis finds