
  • Stagflation a real threat for 2022, says Swiss Re

    02 December 2021

    A 1970s scenario would have serious effects for US insurers

  • Aviva Investors enters partnership to meet UK housing demand

    02 December 2021

    Packaged Living will work with the manager with the goal of raising £700m

  • Hong Kong's regulator foresees surge in unit-linked sales

    02 December 2021

    Due to forthcoming risk-based capital rules

  • Expect change to the MA, but public interest comes first, BoE's Bailey says

    01 December 2021

    Governor of the Bank of England discusses the UK's Solvency II review

  • Lack of local investment opportunities drives spike in foreign-currency denominated policies in Taiwan

    01 December 2021

    Unit-linked products also on the rise

  • Former CPIC CIO set to join Ping An

    01 December 2021

    Ben Deng expected to join in a role equivalent to the CIO position

  • Global insurers boosted junk bond exposure by 33% in 2020, IAIS finds

    01 December 2021

    North America has the highest exposure - and the world's most generous life firms

  • AIG UK's CFO joins unicorn insurtech company

    01 December 2021

    Romaney O'Malley succeeds Craig Merdian as group CFO of bolttech

  • Athene acquires majority stake in lending platform for $1bn

    01 December 2021

    In partnership with Apollo through funds managed by Blackstone

  • Australian CIOs feel brunt of share falls in Q3

    01 December 2021

    Health insurers' net investment income leaps 333% in 9M 2021