
  • IAR EMEA: Is post-pandemic inflation here to stay?

    18 October 2021

    Panellists suggest that the US and UK may be hit harder for longer

  • Infrastructure is inherently ESG friendly, but how to measure the real impact?

    15 June 2021

    This, along with AMs transparency is the next big challenge for the industry according to one CIO

  • IAR outlook survey: sustainability for the next ten years

    08 February 2021

    Insurance Asset Risk's outlook survey discovered that sustainability is the overarching theme that will influence insurance investor behavior—not just this year but for the next decade and probably beyond. Yet, some are more prepared than others. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • IAR's global outlook survey 2021: a foggy crystal ball

    01 February 2021

    Respondents to Insurance Asset Risk's outlook survey seem more at the mercy of the financial gods than ever before. Most agree that while the pandemic rages, 2021 will be a damn hard year to predict. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Assessing climate associated asset risk

    30 October 2020

    Panel sponsored by Royal London Asset Management

  • A 2°C pathway scenario - a blurry concept investment-wise

    20 October 2020

    IAR 2020 EMEA: delegates hear about the limitations faced by insurers in integrating climate risk into their investments

  • Sustainable investing: how to implement what still needs to be defined?

    02 September 2020

    Lack of data and commonly agreed definitions are the main challenges for insurers in implementing their sustainable investment policies, chief investments officers tell Vincent Huck.

  • Finding the rewards in low interest rates

    19 February 2020

    Foresters Friendly Society's chief investment officer Corrado Pistarino explains why he believes it's a fallacy to think low interest rates constitute "unrewarded risk". Interview by Vincent Huck

  • New investment risks or new assessment of risk?

    10 December 2019

    Panellists at Insurance Asset Risk's sister publication InsuranceERM's conference discuss the new types of risks they are exposed to and whether they understand those risks well. Highlights compiled by Stephanie Harris

  • Regulation redefines relations between insurers and asset managers

    27 September 2018

    In the second part of Insurance Asset Risk's insurer-asset manager survey we examine how Solvency II has shifted the dynamic for insurance asset managers. Insurers are not always getting the tailor-made solutions, research and expertise they ask for. By Sarfraz Thind