
  • Insurance ALM turns 160 years old!

    24 February 2022

    Today marks the 160th anniversary of what is believed to be the first actuarial paper on asset-liability management.... but has anything really changed since 1862? Vincent Huck blows out the candles, and gets reading...

  • Secret CIOs: Ukraine on our minds

    23 February 2022

    CIOs hold background discussions of current developments in Ukraine

  • Argo Group reports $187.6m in investment income in 2021

    23 February 2022

    The insurer increased US bond allocation by $25m, dropping foreign gov allocation

  • Generali calls for "calm blood" and careful selection

    23 February 2022

    Ukraine tension still secondary to central bankers, Generali Asset & Wealth Management says

  • Manulife Investment Management acquires US shopping centre

    23 February 2022

    On behalf of its Canadian Pooled Real Estate Fund

  • Fitch sees UK reform as £30bn boost to already-popular illiquids

    23 February 2022

    Expects UK lifers to increase investment risk over cutting reinsurance

  • Comment - Buying (windfarms) to the sound of gunfire

    23 February 2022

    Russia shoots itself in the pipeline, and seals Europe's climate transition

  • Research: Insurers' investments in the carbon transition

    22 February 2022

    Report free to download

  • Schroders launch sustainable bond fund

    22 February 2022

    Targeting sovereigns and corporates

  • Comment - UK's giant leap away from Solvency II

    22 February 2022

    Government's John Glen outlines to ABI how UK will jettison Solvency II