
  • AIA reveals Chinese investment mix as C-Ross Phase II begins

    14 March 2022

    Group boosted China sovereigns in 2021 at expense of all other debt holdings

  • Entering the Dragon - IAR launches series with unparalleled insights into C-Ross Phase II

    14 March 2022

    Series includes profiles of insurers and other key figures in China, Q&As, analysis, factual 'Explainers' and comments. Follow the guide David Walker

  • PIC reports growing investment especially in private debt

    11 March 2022

    While it continues to de-risk the portfolio

  • MAPFRE to halt investments in coal, oil and gas companies

    11 March 2022

    Which are not aligned with 1.5C transition

  • Hannover Re reports €7bn increase in AuM

    11 March 2022

    A result of a strong performance from inflation-linked bonds and alternatives

  • Internal model users' understanding of market and credit risk varies greatly

    11 March 2022

    Which calls for continuous supervisory scrutiny, EIOPA says

  • Chart of the week: Might the King of Thailand look at FWD's equities mandates?

    11 March 2022

    At least from time to time?

  • Debeka plans sub-80% classic fixed income exposure and harder ESG engagement

    10 March 2022

    GDV reveals German insurers have €11bn invested in solar/wind renewables

  • Societe Generale Assurances signed Finance for Biodiversity pledge

    10 March 2022

    And adapts investment policy to help prevent deforestation

  • MACIF invests in car-sharing network, Citiz

    09 March 2022

    A partner of the French insurer for over 15 years