
  • German insurer outsources infrastructure investments, and Chilean sovereigns

    30 August 2022

    Health firm also bought real estate funds and expanded ESG equities in 2021

  • MetLife IM acquires ESG fixed income investment manager

    30 August 2022

    Affirmative Investment Management brings $1bn in AuM

  • Swiss Life AM launches second renewable energy infrastructure fund

    30 August 2022

    The targeted amount is €750m

  • MetLife IM originates $9.2bn in H1 2022

    30 August 2022

    Reporting a 70% increase in transaction value in infrastructure private placement origination

  • KLP reports Q2 investment loss

    30 August 2022

    Total assets increased by NOK 20.9bn

  • Swiss Life places €700m senior bond

    30 August 2022

    With investors in the European market

  • Hedge funds back in vogue

    29 August 2022

    Derided for years by insurance investors, hedge funds are back in fashion. Could it be the revival of a beautiful friendship? Sarfraz Thind asks

  • Hedgie David Einhorn's outsourcing returns jump for Greenlight Re in 2021

    29 August 2022

    And Irish reinsurer reveals what it pays for the privilege...

  • Chart of the Week - The volatility of investment risk-taking under Solvency II

    26 August 2022

    Data in Insurance Risk Data's insurer outsourcing report reveals how changeable groups' investment capital charges are

  • Generali operation starts insourcing, while de-emphasising Apollo exposure

    26 August 2022

    Apollo brought Generali unit value in IG credit, HY/loans, and loan origination