
  • Chart of the Week - French mutual charts property risk, and course of plane carrying Antoine Saint-Exupéry

    02 December 2022

    Designers of SFCRs create some very colourful ways to show some very dry data

  • DEVK sees equity risk SCR leap 41% on alternatives programme

    02 December 2022

    But investment diversification benefit grew, too, in 2021

  • IRC EMEA 2022 ESG stream round up

    01 December 2022

    Conference was held in London on 1 December

  • Lloyd's of London to launch private asset impact fund, CIO Bucks says

    01 December 2022

    As part of effort to seek sustainability outcomes without compromising outcome

  • Smooth transition is the lower climate cost, L&G's Walford says

    01 December 2022

    Adding that ambitious targets are a way of reducing risk of additional volatility

  • Green hushing: "You can't say nothing"

    01 December 2022

    Clyde & Co partner Nigel Brook warns regulators will "force you to say something"

  • Insurance Risk & Capital audience put central bankers' future in the balance

    01 December 2022

    Russel Investment's Andrew Pease said reduction of inflation "ultimately a political decision"

  • "Rising interests doesn't undermine rules designed in low-rate environment"

    01 December 2022

    EIOPA's Wray tells Insurance Risk & Capital 2022 EMEA conference

  • "The S and G in ESG are silent," ArgoGlobal's Alex Hindson says

    01 December 2022

    Investors should pay attention to the interactions between all three aspects, he adds

  • COP 15 could be to biodiversity what Paris was for climate, AXA Group says

    01 December 2022

    Giving businesses long-term view on what is expected, she says