
  • COP15 text is foundation for private sector work on metrics, LGIM says

    21 December 2022

    The agreement by countries at COP15 to protect 30% of land and sea biodiversity by 2030 is likely to leave private sector initiatives to do much of the heavy lifting in areas such as devising nature-related metrics and targets,...

  • Aviva Investors expects shallow recessions in 2023

    21 December 2022

    But inflation risks are on the upside

  • French regulator appoints new secretary general

    20 December 2022

    Nathalie Aufauvre takes the position after nearly four decades at the Banque de France

  • AXA IM Alts invests in Spanish care home development

    20 December 2022

    The manager's first investment into the Spanish healthcare market

  • US will outdo Europe over next two years, AllianzGI says

    20 December 2022

    2023 promises to be rocky with even a milder recession not yet priced in

  • COP15: Manulife commits $100m to nature-based solutions

    20 December 2022

    Manulife has pledged $100m towards nature-based solutions focusing on forestry carbon offsets

  • US insurers increased structured asset holdings to over $1trn in 2021

    19 December 2022

    Uncertain 2022 for asset holdings as issuance declines

  • Pillar Life CIO's 2022: a year for the ages

    19 December 2022

    Being a small new fish entering the big bad world of insurance investing may have unbalanced some in 2022. But Pillar Life used a deal of foresight in easing itself into one of the more turbulent years of our times. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Report on training finance professionals on transition risk

    19 December 2022

    Published by the Shift Project and backed financially by CNP Assurances

  • Chubb appoints Margaret Peloso as global climate officer

    19 December 2022

    New role with aim of developing insurer's climate related strategies