
  • Allianz outlines net $850m US regulator settlements over Structured Alpha - and lessons learned

    19 February 2023

    AllianzGI and PIMCO still took net new business into alts in 2022

  • German insurers hold €528bn in Spezialfonds

    17 February 2023

    Closed-ended Spezialfonds have enjoyed an interrupted and sharp expansion since 2019

  • L&G files lawsuit against Glencore in bribery and market manipulation scandal

    17 February 2023

    Insurer alleges losses caused by Glencore in Africa and South America

  • American Equity boosts private asset allocation to 22% of portfolio

    17 February 2023

    Insurer allocated $1.4bn to privates in Q4 at an average rate of 7%

  • Chart of the Week - Equities, a falling part of Germany's unit-linked industry?

    17 February 2023

    Germany's unit-linked equity funds suffer first consecutive falls in volume

  • Allianz IM buffered ETFs pass $1bn in assets

    16 February 2023

    Have been popular in periods of volatility

  • India government reveals re/insurers' Adani exposures

    16 February 2023

    Six re/insurers revealed as holding Adani equities and/or debt

  • AIG drops $489m on alternative investment income in Q4

    16 February 2023

    Insurer outsourced $200bn of assets to Blackstone and Blackrock last year

  • Phoenix Group allocates £338m to multi asset climate solution

    15 February 2023

    And appoints Robeco as the solution's manager

  • Insurers need to outsource to meet alternative assets challenge

    15 February 2023

    State Street report suggests asset complexity a big issue for legacy systems