
  • A career like a ski line

    08 March 2023

    Insurance Asset Risk's young professional of the year 2023 recipient, Carly Segal, recounts what took her from the ski slopes of Vermont to the fixed income team at JPMAM in London. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Comment: CIOs enjoy strong tailwinds of goodwill in 'transition GAs', in a ride that CUOs might only dream of

    08 March 2023

    Why a CIO's life with the media can be so much touchy-feelier than a CUO's, in our era of climate change

  • L&G Capital invests in women-led impact investment advisory firm

    07 March 2023

    As part of strategy to take stake in alternative asset managers and drive ESG issues

  • AXA IM Alts targets infrastructure and debt as investors seek inflation shelter

    07 March 2023

    Sees continued demand for diversification of assets amid macroeconomic situation

  • Nippon Life increases ESG investment targets for 2030 to JPY 5trn

    07 March 2023

    Nearly tripling previous 2023 goal

  • Aon adds finance expert to UK investment team

    07 March 2023

    Kempen Capital Management and LGIM veteran Cathy Lewis joins

  • Chart of the week: Largest real estate investors amongst EEA insurers

    07 March 2023

    Insurance Asset Risk reveals the biggest holders in the asset class - and real estate's contribution to insurers' total risk

  • AXA invests $2m in nature tech company to help grow voluntary carbon markets

    03 March 2023

    And funds reforestation project with €10m as part of Natural Capital & Impact strategy

  • Royal London becomes signatory to UK FRC's Stewardship Code

    03 March 2023

    Asset owner follows its internal asset manager in stewardship commitment

  • NAIC's CLO regulation proposals show divisions in the market

    03 March 2023

    Regulators met this week with no positive outcome on discussions