
  • AllianzGI supports shareholder resolution on workers' rights at Starbucks

    10 March 2023

    Asset manager to vote against the board at next AGM

  • China industry practitioners praise CBIRC as dissolution flagged

    10 March 2023

    New set up suggests a more centralized regulatory mechanism

  • I-CV launches tool to address ESG ratings opacity

    10 March 2023

    Partners with RepRisk to prevent asset herding and third-party data domination

  • Reinsurance Group of America appoints Moiz Khan head of investments EMEA

    10 March 2023

    Joining from Aviva Investors

  • Chart of the Week: Solvency capital charges, and what a cactus and CIO (should) have in common

    10 March 2023

    Average Solvency II capital charges by insurers' GA sizes reveal some unexpected findings

  • China proposes folding CBIRC into new body

    09 March 2023

    New regulator would sit directly below State Council

  • Hannover Re pockets nearly €500m from linkers as GA returns beat plan

    09 March 2023

    Nearly a quarter of 2022 ordinary income came from the inflation instruments

  • La Française appoints new CEO

    08 March 2023

    To build out multi-boutique asset management business line

  • MEAG appoints new CIO for alternative assets

    08 March 2023

    Katja Lammert to take over from retiring Michael Bös

  • Europe's life giants trip the lite switch firmly 'on'

    08 March 2023

    Thomas Buberl, and Oliver Bäte are men with a mission, to preach the gospel of low-capital product. But will their customers buy it? David Walker asks