
  • US insurer asset growth saw significant slowdown in 2022

    09 May 2023

    But life insurers continued to pour money into illiquid assets

  • Getting real about sustainable assets?

    09 May 2023

    Panellists at Insurance Asset Risk's real asset conference 2023 debunk the idea of a 'greenium' and praise a widening of the real asset sustainability investment universe. Josh Adcock reports.

  • Europe's 'royal' general accounts revealed

    09 May 2023

    A good weekend for UK royals, perhaps, but a tough year for regal underwriters

  • BaFin warns insurers about use of Spezialfonds and private credit and PE

    09 May 2023

    Relying solely on asset managers' reports is not enough, regulator cautions

  • CNP Assurances reveals two central economic scenarios - and its own GA's path forward

    09 May 2023

    More alternatives were bought by French group in 2022

  • BaFin data shows €150bn investment shortfall for German lifers

    09 May 2023

    Liquidity management should help handle lapse risk

  • The sun shines again on Spanish general accounts

    08 May 2023

    As fixed income yields rise, Spanish insurers' CIOs may reflect happily on their 76% weighting to fixed interest interests - and smile again, David Walker writes

  • 'Small dirty bomb' scenario improves Zurich unit's capital ratio by 15%

    08 May 2023

    Insurer also models pandemic, 'credit crisis' and 'financial distress' scenarios

  • Legal & General Modular Homes factory to cease production of new modules due to lack of pipeline

    05 May 2023

    Citing high running costs and impact of macro events such as COVID as factors

  • MetLife looks to assuage concerns on CRE portfolio

    05 May 2023

    Estimates maximum default impairments of $15m this year