
  • Is it really a small world after all? Protectionism strikes back

    21 March 2019

    Most insurers’ chief investment officers and asset managers have grown up investing during the long trend of beneficial globalisation. The trend was their friend. But as evidence of its unravelling builds, they are asking if the elastic is just stretching or about to snap back. Vincent Huck went in search of answers

  • Goldman Sachs AM and PZU to cooperate on investing

    19 March 2019

    Quid pro quo between PZU and GSAM is innovative approach

  • As the credit cycle enters its later stages, insurers prepare for its end

    19 March 2019

    With global growth expected to slow down this year and some predicting a US recession in 2020, the health of the credit market, its ability to cope with rate rises and a loss of liquidity, holds huge significance to insurers investments. Adam Leach reports