
  • Brexit leaves insurers facing an uncertain investment future

    27 June 2016

    Most UK insurers hedged against risks, which should reduce impact

  • The Irish centenary bond and the mystery buyer

    10 May 2016

    Insurer rumoured to have bought 100-year Irish bond

  • Illiquid assets pull in yield-hungry insurers

    10 February 2016

    As yields in conventional asset classes disappear, insurers are chasing illiquids, says J.P.Morgan. B. Gravrand reports.

  • Insurers should be nimble and flexible in fixed income

    26 May 2015

    After decades of a bond bull market and six years of central bank liquidity measures, is the fixed-income bubble bursting? Prashant Sharma examines what this would mean for insurers' portfolios, historically heavily weighted towards this asset class?

  • QE to accelerate shift into illiquid assets

    23 January 2015

    Demand for non-euro assets is another option for hard-pressed insurers, analysts say