
  • Work on coal by no means completed, activists say

    19 June 2020

    But COVID-19 offers the right timing to start focus on oil & gas

  • Recruiting investment talent in an era of climate change

    12 June 2020

    Jobseekers have 'tackling global warming' on their wish-lists

  • Hannover Re is latest insurer to 'exit coal'

    20 June 2018

    Companies that have in some way divested from coal now represent 45% of the $257.5bn global reinsurance market

  • Allianz to stop investing in coal completely by 2040

    04 May 2018

    German insurer Allianz has announced it will phase out investments in the coal sector completely by 2040.

  • Insurers shamed in ongoing criticism of coal industry investments

    04 August 2017

    Munich Re, Swiss Re, Allianz, Generali and Zurich's exposure to coal exposed

  • 'Insurers need to move from climate talk to climate action'

    05 May 2017

    Axa and Vivat's investment arms recently announced coal exclusion policies, while Axa also committed to stop underwriting coal projects – could this be a model for the rest of the industry? Peter Bosshard from anti-fossil fuel NGO the Sunrise Project comments.