
  • EIOPA to have a say on individual internal model applications

    14 January 2019

    Econ approves amendments to Eiopa's powers

  • EU to investigate lower capital charges for sustainable investments

    08 March 2018

    Insurers key to reorienting financial system towards sustainability

  • Pan-European Pensions present opportunity for EU infrastructure investment

    11 April 2017

    Eiopa's Bernardino argues investment is limited by scale not regulation

  • Eiopa pressed to reduce charge on real estate assets

    10 March 2017

    Standard formula charge of 25% "unnecessarily punitive", 15% more appropriate, says MSCI

  • Solvency II asset charges are too conservative, says Insurance Europe

    01 February 2017

    Directive inappropriately treats insurers like short-term traders

  • Insurers and regulators still at odds over infrastructure investment

    05 June 2015

    Insurers' investment in infrastructure has stalled in the face of legal uncertainties over long-term commitments, proposed Solvency II capital charges that seem too high to the industry and growing competition for infrastructure assets. Sarfraz Thind explains

  • EC green paper could change treatment of long-term investments

    18 February 2015

    But document does not go as far as earlier predictions

  • EU stress test reveals asset risks

    01 December 2014

    Eiopa tests show one quarter of insurers would struggle with low interest rates