
  • Economic outlook for real asset investments

    13 May 2021

    Join our investing in real asset conference on the 27 May

  • Cattolica CIO on investing in commodities

    12 May 2021

    Massimo di Tria explains why the Italian insurers tend to steer clear of the asset class

  • Room for more risk in 2021, Cattolica CIO says

    18 March 2021

    Unit-linked products useful in low rates environment but not the way forward, Massimo Di Tria warns

  • Where are insurers looking to for next investment opportunity?

    30 October 2020

    Panel sponsored by Aviva Investors

  • Insurers reflect on fifth anniversary of sustainable development goals

    22 October 2020

    Some SDGs easier to fit with investment strategies, insurers say

  • Three insurers' investment chiefs walked into a bar...

    19 October 2020

    With social distancing in mind, Insurance Asset Risk cancelled the proverbial bar, inviting the capital and investment heads at Poste Vita, Cattolica, L&G Capital, and Aviva Investors to an online cuppa, instead, at the magazine's virtual European conference. David Walker sat in on the discussion about their investment plans, views on BTPs, and future allocations

  • Cattolica board acts to calm staff after police raid

    05 August 2020

    Board expresses "closeness and solidarity" to staff, and gives go-ahead to Generali's injection

  • Cattolica affirms Generali deal as Guardia di Finanza enters offices

    04 August 2020

    M&A deal would bring at least €10bn of investments to Generali

  • Generali reveals asset management details of planned Cattolica M&A

    04 August 2020

    Italian also updates sensitivities to BTP spreads widening

  • Generali AM to manage portion of Cattolica's portfolio

    25 June 2020

    As part of 24% acquisition deal