
  • Will BBB come back to bite?

    17 September 2019

    Is the end of the credit cycle really in sight and, if so, are European insurers at risk of seeing their high yield assets coming back to bite them? A wave of credit downgrades could significantly impact solvency ratios and put insurers in the position of forced sellers. But how worried should they be? Vincent Huck reports

  • Insurers get defensive in the face of Brexit fears

    29 August 2019

    In the three years since the UK voted to leave the European Union, the emotional pendulum has swung from hope to despair – regardless of where one stands on the issue – making fertile ground for comments. But what do the numbers say when looking at insurers' asset allocation in the years since the referendum? Vincent Huck reports.

  • Italian insurers' path to diversification

    02 October 2018

    Industry veteran Michele Gaffo, formerly the CIO of Allianz Italia and Poste Vita now at asset management firm DWS, tells David Walker how Italian reinsurers are reacting to the latest spike in volatility and getting ready for the next one.

  • Insurers call for SII change to unlock investments

    11 September 2018

    In response to a European Commission consultation on proposals for a new investment programme in the EU, Insurance Europe wants a review of Solvency II rules to unlock insurers' investment potential. Vincent Huck reports

  • Insurers rate poorly on ESG reporting and integration

    21 August 2018

    A new report by research and rating agency Vigeo Eiris has ranked the insurance industry 23rd out 39 for environment, social and governance related performance. In particular the report highlights the industry's weakness in dealing with climate risk on both sides of its balance sheet. Vincent Huck reports

  • Illiquid credits tops insurers' asset class diversification plans

    05 July 2018

    The audience of the Insurance Asset Risk EMEA conference answered a series of questions on their main concerns and investment strategies going forward. Vincent Huck reports on the findings