
  • Bernardino forecasts minor adjustments to PRIIPs regulation

    21 February 2019

    Eiopa chairman replied to industry associations during scrutiny hearing on PRIIPs

  • Hard Brexit risks leaving UK insurers on a 'capital cliff edge'

    12 February 2019

    As a no-deal Brexit hovers over the financial industry like the sword of Damocles, sovereign holdings could be a bigger risk for the solvency positions of UK insurers' than for their European rivals. The Association of British Insurers wants the regulator to act, and fast

  • Eiopa seeks insurers views on integrating sustainable risks in Solvency II

    17 January 2019

    With particular focus on climate change and collect market practices on insurance underwriting

  • Proposed Solvency II equity asset class is "unworkable"

    28 December 2018

    European Commission urged to review its long-term equity proposal in the Solvency II standard formula review

  • "Solvency II 2018 review - glass half full," Bernardino

    10 December 2018

    The chair of Europe's insurance authority was interviewed at Insurance Risk & Capital EMEA conference

  • Insurers and supervisors clash over equity investments

    28 June 2018

    During a panel discussion at Insurance Europe conference, the insurance industry and the supervisory authorities clashed over the level of equity investments. Industry representatives accused the European Commission and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority of ignoring market realities. Aggelos Andreou reports

  • Eiopa highlights risks from Brexit on insurers solvency position

    18 May 2018

    Opinion sets out 14 areas where the determination of the solvency position of insurers will change

  • German insurers warn: 'don't push sustainability, for investing' as Bernardino welcomes it for regulating

    23 November 2017

    German underwriters resist enforcing ecological considerations on their investing

  • Eiopa to review capital charges on equity and spread sub-modules of Solvency II

    22 November 2017

    Insurers making non-mainstream investments deserve regulatory attention, authority says

  • Eiopa observes 'search-for-yield' behaviour

    16 November 2017