
  • Insurance asset managers loved up on EM equities

    25 January 2024

    Survey from Dragon Capital finds 90% of respondents have increased allocations to EM equities since start of 2023

  • M&G Real Estate Asia buys residential high-rise in Tokyo

    25 January 2024

    Deal worth $201.6m

  • Meiji Yasuda Life plans "full-scale" introduction of generative AI from April

    25 January 2024

    While revealing how it already use the technology in its investments

  • Comment - Contract terms, from fees to T&Cs, in insurance outsourcing agreements

    25 January 2024

    Investment management agreements say how CIOs and asset managers should work together. David Walker peeks inside...

  • WR Berkley reports eye-watering improvement in interest income

    25 January 2024

    Almost 75% of total portfolio is of fixed maturity

  • Sumitomo Life highlights macro HF outsourcing among new manager allocations

    25 January 2024

    Japanese lifer spells out investment and delegating plans to 2030

  • CNP Assurances partners with WWF France on biodiversity protection

    24 January 2024

    With a €200k commitment from CNP Assurances' Carbon and Biodiversity Fund

  • Aviva Investors sells UK supermarkets for £100m

    24 January 2024

    Three stores across the country acquired by MDSR Investments

  • Phoenix's Eakins aims to take advantage of 2024 market volatility

    24 January 2024

    Michael Eakins, CIO of Phoenix Group, comments on market instability

  • Standard Life concludes £300m BPA deal with Unisys pension schemes

    24 January 2024

    Deal covers 2,400 members across two schemes