
  • Neuberger Berman to buy credit investment specialist

    02 October 2014

    Orchard Square Partners changes hands

  • Asset data reporting deadlines for Solvency II need addressing now

    02 October 2014

    Even though full implementation of Solvency II on 1 January 2016 may seem distant, insurers need to confront the challenges of regulatory reporting of asset data now and formalise procedures, as there is no time to be wasted. Chris Johnson, senior product manager, market data services, HSBC Securities Services explains

  • Risk and performance analytics need to keep pace with investment portfolios

    01 October 2014

    Growing complexity creates new technology demands, State Street survey finds

  • Insurers model default risk to maximise MA benefit

    30 September 2014

    Towers Watson survey shows industry split over asset eligibility

  • Skimpy yields drive insurers up the risk spectrum

    29 September 2014

    BlackRock study confirms CIOs' appetite for real estate debt and infrastructure assets

  • Ivascyn replaces Gross as Pimco's group CIO

    29 September 2014

    No change in approach; Allianz "won't sell"; Balls now global CIO

  • Completion mandates are AllianceBernstein's forte

    26 September 2014

    The approach enables insurers to access asset classes where they don't have the resources to research and manage them in-house, the firm's insurance CIO Erik Vynckier explains to Hardeep Dhillon

  • Lloyd's investment income increases to £642m

    25 September 2014

    Boosted by higher yields in corporate bond portfolio

  • Eiopa warns insurers on securitisation and infrastructure

    24 September 2014

    The investment risks should be fully assessed

  • The dangers of overlooking inflation risk

    24 September 2014

    Pimco's Eugene Dimitriou and Berdibek Ahmedov outline the difficulties in quantifying inflation risk